Turkish coffee: a sweet, strong brew
How would you like your coffee? In Turkey, the question is really asking how much sugar do you prefer. You may answer with sade (no sugar), az seker (a little sugar), orta (1-2 teaspoons of sugar) or sekerli (3-4 teaspoons of sugar). Europeans learned alot about coffee from the Ottomans. The equivalent of the word coffee in many languages is very similar to the Turkish kahve, afterall.
Brewing details
Light - medium roast
Not filtered
Grind size
Extremely fine
10 - 15 minutes
Can the Ibrik be used for specialty coffee?
Yes! During the Ottoman Period, coffee beans were brought to Istanbul to be cooked in jugs. Even now, fine grounds of roasted coffee are combined with cold water and sugar in a copper ibrik, a wide based pot with a long handle. The mixture is boiled and removed from heat before returning to the stove to be boiled again. A caramel-colored froth forms on the surface, while the coffee sits and brews for a few minutes. Optional spices like cardamom and cinnamon are added if desired.
Brewing process
Step 1
Add water to the cezve or ibrik (1.7 oz per cup of coffee desired).
Step 2
Stir in sugar. Bring to a boil.
Step 3
Remove from heat and add a teaspoon of coffee per cup. Boil again.
Step 4
Remove the cezve from heat. Discard excessive foam, and mix well.
Step 5
Allow the coffee to settle before serving.
Step 6
Add a tablespoon of cold water after boiling to speed up the process.

Local friends say
Turkish Coffee is served in thin-walled small cups, while espresso is served in thick-walled cups.

Decolonize your coffee